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作者:本站编辑 发布时间:2012-06-07


1. 胡永东、于欣、杨甫德、司天梅、王卫东、谭云龙、周东丰王华丽、陈大春. the level of serum Brain-derived neurotropihic factor is associated with the therapeutic efficacy of modified electroconvulsive therapy in chinese patients with depression. Journal of ECT.2010.26(2):121-125. 

2. 程辉,李诚(),A. Tsang(),黄悦勤,刘肇瑞,James C. Anthony(),R. C. Kessler().the epidemiological profile of alcohol and other drug use in metropolitan China. Int J Public Health. 2010,55:645653.

3. 冯瑜,司天梅. Expressions of neuregulin 1β and ErbB4 in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of a rat schizophrenia model induced by chronic MK-801 administration. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology.      2010,1-7.

4. 郭春梅,司天梅. Postnatal BDNF expression profiles in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of a rat schizophrenia model induced by MK-801 administration. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology.  2010,1-5.

5. 钱英. Do executive function deficits differentiate between children with ADHD and ADHD comorbid with ODD? A cross-cultural study using performance-based tests and the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Clin Neuropsychol. 2010;24(5):793-810.  

6. 程辉,黄悦勤,James C Anthony(). Childhood Physical Punishiment and later Alcohol Drinking Consequencesevidence from a chinese context     .journal of studies alcohol and drugs. 2010,72(1):24-33.  

7. 程辉(),黄悦勤,刘宝花(),刘肇瑞. Familial aggregation of personality disorder: epidemiological evidence from high school students age 18 and above in Beijing, China. Comprehensive Psychiatry.  2010,51 (5):524-530.   

8. 司天梅. The Chinese version of the Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP): Validity and reliability.     Psychiatry Res.2011(185):275-279.

9. 曹庆久,孙黎,Gaolang Gong(),Yating LV(),曹晓华,帅澜,chaozhe zhu(),臧玉峰(),王玉凤. The macrostructural and microstructural abnormalities of corpus callosum in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A combined morphometric and diffusion tensor MRI study. Brain Res.2010,1310:172-180.

10. Si T, Shu L, Liu Y, Su YA, Guo C, Zhang H. Single-dose pharmacokinetics of paliperidone extended-release tablets in healthy Chinese subjects. HumPsychopharmacol. 2010,Jul;25(5):404-409.

11. 王瑛(),黄悦勤,刘肇瑞,禚传君(),李淑然,Martin Prince(). A 5-year community-based longitudinal study in Beijing, China. A Population-Based Study of 10/66 Dementia Research Group .International Psychogeriatrics.2010,22(5):761-768.   

12. 于欣,肖丹(),李冰,刘雅(),Guangfa Wang(),Jian Chen(),Chunxue Bai(),Jue Pan(),Huanying Wan(),Qingyun Li(),Xin Zhou(),Ruomin Liao(),Qiang Li(),Changhui Wang(),Rongchang Chen(),Yan Tang(),Hongying Mo(),Min Zhao(),Jiang Du(),Jing Li(),Lin Kang(). Evaluation of the Chinese versions of the Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale and the Questionnaire on Smoking Urges-Brief.  Nicotine & Tobacco Research.2010.12(6):630-634.      

13. 廖晶(),朱玥(),张美燕(),袁慧书(),Min-Ying Su(),于欣,王华丽.    Microstructural White Matter Abnormalities Independent of White Matter Lesion Burden in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Alzheimer Disease Among Han Chinese Elderly.Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders.2010,24(4):317-324.       

14. Yan Song, Li Sun1, You Wang, Xuemin Zhang, Jing Kang, Xiaoli Ma, Bin Yang,Yijie Guan, Yulong Ding. The effect of short-term training on cardinal and oblique orientation discrimination: an ERP study. Int J Psychophysiol.2010,75(3):241-248.   

15. 钱秋谨,王玉凤. Gene-gene interaction between COMT and MAOA potentially  predects the intelligence of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder boys in China. Behav Genet. 2010,40(3):357-365  

16. 程辉,James C. Anthony(),黄悦勤. Harsh physical punishment as a specific childhood adversity linked to adult drinking consequences: Evidence from China addition. 2010(105):2097-2105.      

17. Xiang YT, Wang CY, Si TM, Lee EH, He YL, Ungvari GS, Chiu HF, Yang SY, Chong MY, Shinfuku N, Tan CH, Kua EH, Fujii S, Sim K, Yong K, Trivedi JK, Chung EK, Udomratn P, Chee KY, Sartorius N.    Sex differences in use of psychotropic drugs and drug-induced side effects in schizophrenia patients: Findings of the Research on Asia Psychotropic Prescription (REAP) studies.  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.2010,Early Online1-6.

18. Orla McBride, Hui G. Cheng.Exploring the emergence of alcohol use disorder symptoms in the two years after onset of drinking: findings from the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health.Addiction. 2010 Oct 21. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03242.x. [Epub ahead of print].

19. Thyssen A(),司天梅Pharmacokinetics of Dapoxetine Hydrochloride in Healthy Chinese, Japanese, and Caucasian Men. J Clin Pharmacol. 2010,23:1450-1460.

20. Ding YX, Zhang Y, He B, Yue WH, Zhang D, Zou LP.A possible association of responsiveness to adrenocorticotropic hormone with specific GRIN1 haplotypes in infantile spasms.Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010 Nov;52(11):1028-32.



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姓名:王玉凤 研究员 向Ta咨询详细





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