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作者:本站编辑 发布时间:2012-06-07


1. 岳伟华,张岱,张艳玲(),卢天兰,胡晓凤(),王力芳,阮燕燕,Yongfeng Yang().A case-control association study of NRXN1 polymorphisms with schizophrenia in Chinese Han population.Behavioraland Brain Functions.2011,7:7.

2. 苏允爱,王晓东(),李继涛,郭春梅,冯瑜,杨阳,黄润虎,司天梅.Age-specific effects of early MK-801 treatment on working memory in female rats.       NeuroReport.2011,22(8):402-406.

3. 刘璐,管丽丽,陈芸,吉宁,李海梅,李泽华,钱秋谨,杨莉,Stephen J. Glatt(),Stephen V. Faraone(),王玉凤.Association Analyses of MAOA in Chinese Han Subjects with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Family-Based Association Test, Case–Control Study, and Quantitative Traits of Impulsivity. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B.2011,156:737-748.

4. 肖博(),张岱,岳伟华,卢天兰. Association of ZNF804A polymorphisms with schizophrenia and antipsychotic drug efficacy in a Chinese Han population.Psychiatry Research.2011,190(2-3):379-381.

5. 程辉,黄悦勤,刘肇瑞,刘宝花.     Associations linking parenting styles and offspring personality disorder are moderated by parental personality disorder,evidence from China.Psychiatry research.2011,189:105-109.

6. 程辉,黄悦勤.Childhood physical punishment and the onset of drinking problems: evidence from metropolitan China.Drug and Alcohol Dependence.2011,118:31-39.

7. 杨莉,曹庆久,帅澜,李海梅,陈楚侨(),王玉凤.Comparative study of OROS-MPH and atomoxetine on executive function improvement in ADHD: a randomized controlled trial.International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology.2011,21:1-12.

8. 田霖,chun meng(),阎浩*,赵强(),刘琦,闫俊,韩永华,袁慧书(),王力芳,岳伟华,张彦波(),minmin li(),Chaozhe Zhu(),贺勇(),张岱.Convergent Evidence from Multimodal Imaging Reveals Amygdala Abnormalities in Schizophrenic Patients and Their First-Degree Relatives.Plos One.2011,(6):1-9.

9. 张付全,hua Fan(),Pozi Liu().Converging evidence implicates dopamine D3 receptor gene in the risk for schizophrenia.Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet.2011, 156(5):613-619.

10. 吉宁,帅澜,陈芸,刘璐,李海梅,李泽华,杨莉,钱秋谨,汤宜朗(),Joseph F. Cubells(),王玉凤.Dopamine b-Hydroxylase Gene Associates With Stroop Color-Word Task Performance in Han Chinese ChildrenWith Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B. 2011,156:730-736.

11. 胡永东(),于欣. Electroconvulsive Therapy and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor.Journal of ECT. 2011,27(1):92-93.

12. 于欣.Evidence and experience of the role and use of ICD-10 in the last decade in China. European Psychiatry. 2011,26:43-47.

13. 郑凡凡,王力芳,贾美香,岳伟华,阮燕燕,卢天兰,刘靖,李俊,张岱.Evidence for Association between Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) Gene Polymorphisms and Autism in Chinese Han Population: a Family-based Association Study.Behav Brain Funct.2011,7:14.

14. 帅澜,陈楚侨(),王玉凤.Executive Function Profile of Chinese Boys with Attention-Deficit.Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.2011,26(2):120-132.

15. 张五芳,谭云龙(),张向阳(),Raymond C. K. Chan(),武浩然(),周东丰.Extract of Ginkgo biloba Treatment for Tardive Dyskinesia in Schizophrenia: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.2011,72(5):615-621.

16. 岳伟华,张岱,张艳玲,张阳,王力芳,胡晓凤,阎浩,阮燕燕,卢天兰,汪燕,蔡丽伟,张鸿燕,闫俊,宓为峰,于欣.Genome-wide association study identifies a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia in Han Chinese at 11p11.2 .Nat Genet.2011(43),12:1228-1231.

17. 杨阳(),司天梅,苏允爱.Increased Interstitial White Matter Neuron Density in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of People with Schizophrenia.BIOL PSYCHIATRY.2011,69:63-70.

18. 刘津(),马弘, YanLing He(), Bin Xie(), Yi-Feng Xu(), 唐宏宇, MingLi(), Wei Hao(), Xiang Dong Wang(),MingYuanZhang(),Chee H. Ng(),Margaret Goding(),Julia Fraser(),Helen Herrman(),Helen F.K. Chiu(),Sandra S. Chan(),Edmond Chiu(),于欣.Mental health system in China: history,recent service reform and future challenges. World Psychiatry.2011,10:210-216.

19. 邱琳琳,田霖,张岱,阎浩,朱日升,刘琦,闫俊,韩永华,岳伟华.Neuroanatomical Circuitry Underlying Exploratory Eye Movement in Schizophrenia: A Voxel- Based Morphometric Study.PLoS ONE.2011,6(10):1-9.

20. 王力芳,李俊,贾美香,岳伟华,阮燕燕,卢天兰,张纪水(),刘靖,张岱.No association of polymorphisms in the CDK5, NDEL1, and LIS1 with autism in Chinese Han population.Psychiatry Research.  2011,190(2-3):369-371.

21. 李继涛,苏允爱,郭春梅,冯瑜,司天梅.Persisting cognitive deficits induced by low-dose, subchronic treatment with MK-801 in adolescent rats.    European Journal of Pharmacology.2011,652:65-72.

22. 栾志林,张岱,岳伟华,张艳玲,卢天兰,阮燕燕,张鸿燕,闫俊,李玲芝,孙伟,王力芳.Positive association of the human STON2 gene with schizophrenia.NeuroReport.2011,22:288-293.

23. 林红.Preventing Behavior Problems Among Elementary Schoolchildren: Impact of a Universal School-Based Program in China.Journal of School Health. 2011,81(5):273-280.

24. Tianmei S, Liang S, Yun'ai S, Chenghua T, Jun Y, Jia C, Xueni L, Qi L, Yantao M, Weihua Z, Hongyan Z. The Chinese version of the Personal and Social Performance Scale (PSP): validity and reliability.       Psychiatry Research. 2011 ,185(1-2)275-279.

25. Guo YQ, Tang Y, Rice C, Lee LC, Wang YF, Cubells JF. Validation of the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire, Mandarin Chinese Version (CH-ASSQ) in Beijing, China.Autism. 2011,15(6):713-27.

26. Albanese E(),刘肇瑞,黄悦勤.Equity in the delivery of community healthcare to older people: findings from 10/66 Dementia Research Group cross-sectional surveys in Latin America, China, India and Nigeria.    BMC Health Serv Res.2011,28(11):153-158.

27. 李诚().  The prevalence of Family Childhood Adversities and their Association with First Onset of DSM-IV Disorders in Metropolitan China.Psychological Medicine.     2011,41(1)85-96.

28. Beverley Raphael(),马弘.Mass catastrophe and disaster psychiatry.Molecular Psychiatry.2011247-251.

29. Ferri CP(),黄悦勤. Prevalence of stroke and related burden among older people living in Latin America, India and China.J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2011,82(10)1074-1082.

30. 孟祥飞(),黄悦勤. Susceptibility genes, social environmental risk factors and their interactions in internalizing disorders among mainland Chinese undergraduates.Journal of Affective Disorders.    2011,(1)5-13



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姓名:王玉凤 研究员 向Ta咨询详细





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